A strong and properly functioning abdominal region is crucial to overall health. But with a growing worldwide trend toward obesity and living sedentary lifestyles, the need for abdominal conditioning continues to rise. The pelvic floor represents a particularly risky zone as it supports critical bodily functions in the abdomen. However, with early detection and proper therapy, the chances of undue suffering can be minimized.
What is the Pelvic Floor?
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles supporting the organs of the torso’s lower region. These organs include the bladder, the bowels, and the internal reproductive organs in both men and women. These muscles control bodily functions involving the bladder and bowels, and it aids in the efficient operation of the uterus and prostate.
How Do I Know I Need Pelvic Floor Therapy?
Several symptoms could point to a weak or tight pelvic floor. One common indication is the excessive need to urinate caused by the inability of the bladder to remain closed. Likewise, a leaky stool can be traced to the same cause. On the other hand, an overly stiff pelvic floor can result in constipation or incontinence. In general, pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen indicates something is wrong. Painful bowel movements or urination and widespread pain in the midsection, genitals, or lower back could all be signs of problems with the pelvic floor. Pain with intercourse can also indicate pelvic floor involvement.
What Causes the Problem?
As a layer of muscle at the base of the abdomen, the pelvic floor is subject to the same conditions affecting other muscle groups in the body. The inability to control bodily functions usually stems from weakness in the area due to insufficient exercise. Excessive stiffness in the pelvic floor can often be attributed to physical or emotional stress. Childbirth, weightlifting, and stressful work conditions are familiar sources of stress. Pain in the abdomen or lower back usually signals muscle imbalance to the pelvic floor muscles.
Pin Point Physical Therapy
Abdominal health plays a crucial role in your quality of life and well-being. If you are experiencing symptoms of a weak pelvic floor, Pin Point Physical Therapy can help. Our therapists can help identify the source of the problem and recommend the most effective course of action to correct the condition and relieve pain. You don’t have to tolerate these symptoms. Contact us today at 704-612-6797 and schedule an appointment.